Genealogy of a House

23oct7:00 pm8:00 pmGenealogy of a House

Event Details

Interested in learning more about the history of your home?  Maybe another historic building?  Do you know where to go or what to look for?  When did my house get built?

This program will review a number of primary and secondary sources that can help you identify who originally owned the land, the age of the house and more about the people who have lived there.  The examples will be focused on the Lansing area, but the research strategies and principles can be applied to any geographic area.

Jill Arnold, Archivist for the Archives of Michigan at the Michigan History Center, will present information on how to go about researching your home’s history.  Jill works to engage a variety of audiences with Seeking Michigan ( the online platform of the Archives of Michigan.  She earned a Master of Science in Information with a specialization in Library and Information Science, as well as Archives and Records Management from the University of Michigan.

The Tecumseh Area Historical Society and the HIstorical Society of Clinton are co-sponsoring this program which will be held at the Tecumseh Museum.  .



October 23, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT(GMT-05:00)


Tecumseh Historical Museum

320 E Chicago Boulevard, Tecumseh, MI 49286

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