
Tecumseh Area Historical Society (TAHS) is an IRS approved 501(c)3 charitable organization and accepts donations to help with the preservation of the historical artifacts and the museum building.

We have a variety of ways that you can support TAHS like becoming a member, volunteering or making a donation.

Mail your contribution payable to Tecumseh Area Historical Society and help keep our history alive!

Tecumseh Area Historical Society
Post Office Box 26
Tecumseh, MI  49286

Donations through PayPal

Donations may also be made through PayPal — just click our PayPal Donate button!  It’s a secure way to use your debit or credit cards!

Material Donations

TAHS also accepts material donations that depict, enhance, and support the purposes of the Society in accordance to adopted policies.  Please contact our archivist or museum director by email, phone, or stop in the museum when open.

Additional Ways to Support the Tecumseh Historical Museum